ACEs and Children: Not a Card Game

aces adverse childhood experiences borderline personality disorder Nov 27, 2019

Research is showing that the greater number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)  a child has, the more likely he or she is to have long term physical and mental health problems. In this episode I am going to discuss one area of concern, the development of the mental health problem, Borderline Personality Disorder. At any one point in time 1.6% of the population will be diagnosed with this, with the lifetime prevalence being 5.9%, or one person in 17.  That means that millions of people are struggling through life who might not have to if parents and professionals understand more about the WHO of children, meaning the 3 layers.

If you would like to learn about the 3 layers to help you understand why changing your approach may be needed, check out my course Never Assume: Understanding Who Challenging Children Before Labeling Them

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